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Susan Kavanaugh M.Div., CPC

     Susan is a highly skilled marketing and fundraising professional known for her award-winning communication programs. She focuses on branding, integrated communications, and strategic planning, which makes KavCom services highly sought after. Susan's successful fundraising efforts have generated millions for Arizona nonprofits through major gifts, capital campaigns, grant funding, and collaborative partnerships.


     Susan has presented workshops on sustainability at the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Innovation's annual conference twice. She is also a regular guest on multiple podcasts and frequently speaks at large regional companies to inspire others.


     With a diverse professional background, Susan brings a wealth of experience to her current roles. She is a certified life and business coach, pastoral counselor, trained hypnotherapist, and ordained minister. Earlier in her career, she was a nationally acclaimed public speaker, a former television news anchor, and a newspaper reporter. In 2020, her book "The Heart of Profit" became a best-seller on Amazon's Business Best-Seller charts. She is currently working on her second book, which is set to be published in late 2024.


     Susan resides in Cave Creek with her four dogs and her happily retired husband, who was a founder and executive for Arizona's A.T. Still University.

© 2021 KavCom:Conscious Communications, LLC

 Susan Kavanaugh |   602.316.1742

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